India’s Tryst With The Atom is the first comprehensive book on India’s nuclear programme – peaceful applications as well as the nuclear weapon option. The book gives an overview of the Indian nuclear scenario – the confluence of Nehru and Bhabha which laid a sound foundation; an umbrella organisation for nuclear technology acquisitions, freed from bureaucratic tentacles, where science was in command; building nuclear infrastructure and a chain of R & D centres for advanced nuclear technologies, round which India’s nuclear edifice has been built. The book gives an insight into what it calls disentangling advanced science and technology from political manipulations, nuclear diplomacy, and the games played by the Big Powers to impede India’s nuclear quest. The book is the story of a nuclear dream comes true. The book unfolds Indian nuclear establishment’s great work in bending nuclear technology for Indian humanity – in medicine, agriculture and food preservation, hydrology, water management, and for providing cutting edge technology to Indian industry.
Now that the worst fears about the clash of Islam with other civilizations have proven to be well-founded, this book asks whether Islam is a danger to other civilizations and attempts to find an answer to this important question. While teaching at the University of Calgary, Dr. Mohammed Yunus felt the need for a book that would explain the historical personality of Islam and contribute to a better understanding of its resurgence after the end of the colonial era and the emergence of scores of Islamic countries. Having served as a diplomat for three decades, Dr Yunus apprehended the development of a clash between the newly independent Islamic countries and other states that would be inimical to international harmony and peace due, at least partly, to the lack of mutual comprehension because the clash of political interest breeds suspicion and hostility, and ignorance makes it worse. This book is an attempt to encourage a better understanding of Islam and its role in today’s world. It is for the readers to discover the relevance of the book to the ongoing clash of civilizations with which the twenty-first century has begun.
Kashmir has been the most difficult issue confronting the Indian nation, which has domestic and international ramifications. The author raises several highly relevant and thought-provoking questions in the course of his forceful narrative. For its unerring instinct for vital facts and for its relentless exposure of the main actors in the age-old Kashmir drama, this book in unprecedented.