Throughout human history we have attempted to find reason and meaning in the world around us. In the search for understanding, our early ancestors developed belief systems. They conceived of the soul and the afterlife, buried their dead, performed rituals, made sacrifices and worshipped spirits and gods. Indeed, this expression of faith is so prevalent throughout history that it suggests it is inherent in our human nature.

    The story of how these primitive beliefs arose, developed and gave rise to the religions and gods of the world is, in many ways, the story of us — of our spiritual and cultural evolution, of our civilization. So what can our gods tell us about ourselves?

    Bold, wide-ranging and provocative, God: A Human History of Religion challenges our understanding of religion and the origins of belief. Whether you believe in one God or many gods or no god at all, this book will transform the way you think about the role of religion in human history and your own existence.
    ISBN: 9780552174992
    Publisher: CORGI BOOKS

    Author: REZA ASLAN


    Saladin remains one of the most iconic figures of his age. As the man who united the Arabs and saved Islam from Christian crusaders in the 12th century, he is the Islamic world’s preeminent hero. Ruthless in defence of his faith, brilliant in leadership, he also possessed qualities that won admiration from his Christian foes. He knew the limits of violence, showing such tolerance and generosity that many Europeans, appalled at the brutality of their own people, saw him as the exemplar of their own knightly ideals.

    But Saladin is far more than a historical hero. Builder, literary patron and theologian, he is a man for all times, and a symbol of hope for an Arab world once again divided. Centuries after his death, in cities from Damascus to Cairo and beyond, to the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf, Saladin continues to be an immensely potent symbol of religious and military resistance to the West. He is central to Arab memories, sensibilities and the ideal of a unified Islamic state.

    In this authoritative biography, historian John Man brings Saladin and his world to life in vivid detail. Charting his rise to power, his struggle to unify the warring factions of his faith, and his battles to retake Jerusalem and expel Christian influence from Arab lands, Saladin explores the life and the enduring legacy of this champion of Islam, and examines his significance for the world today.
    ISBN: 9780552170840
    Publisher: CORGI BOOKS
    Author: JOHN MAN


    ISBN: 9780552161268
    Publisher: CORGI BOOKS
    Author: DAN BROWN


    When a woman with brains and beauty from a wealthy background decides to take her fate into her own hands and challenge the restrictions of a male-oriented, conservative society, the consequences can be devastating. Born into one of Pakistan’s most influential families, Tehmina Durrani was raised in the privileged milieu of Lahore high society, and educated at the same school as Benazir Bhutto. Like all women of her rank, she was expected to marry a prosperous Muslim from a respectable family, bear him many children, and lead a sheltered life of air-conditioned leisure. When she married Mustafa Khar, one of Pakistan’s most eminent political figures, she continued to move in the best circles, and learned to keep up the public facade as a glamorous, cultivated wife, and mother of four children. In private, however, the story-book romance of the most talked-about couple in Pakistan rapidly turned sour. Mustafa Khar became violently possessive and pathologically jealous, and succeeded in cutting his wife off from the outside world. For the course of the fourteen-year marriage, she suffered alone, in silence.

    When Tehmina decided to rebel, the price she paid was extremely high: as a Muslim woman seeking a divorce, she signed away all financial support, lost the custody of her four children, and found herself alienated from her friends and disowned by her parents.

    Following the divorce, she felt she had to tell her story. When Pakistan publishers balked at the controversial nature of her manuscript, she published it herself. The book was a bombshell and shook Pakistani society to its foundations. Her at last was someone who had succeeding in reconciling her faith in Islam with her ardent belief in women’s rights. Tehmina’s story, adapted now for western readers, provides extraordinary insights into the vulnerable position of women caught in the complex web of Muslim society.

    ISBN: 9780552142397
    Publisher: CORGI BOOKS
    Author: TEHMINA
