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    “This is a work of reinterpretation of Mountbatten’s role in the emergence of Pakistan. It moves beyond previous controversies concerning his impact on the Radcliffe Boundary Award and bias towards Nehru and the Congress to delve into his interactions with developments at the provincial level in the future Pakistan area. The insight emerges that Mountbatten’s interventions were far more complex than negative stereotypes of his Viceroyalty have acknowledged. The investigation draws on a careful reading of primary sources as well as building on the author’s earlier research into the end of British India. The judgements which emerge are balanced and form an important addition to the understanding of Pakistan’s independence.”

    —Ian Talbot—

    Emeritus Professor in the History of Modern South Asia, University of Southampton, Associate, The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University.

    One of Pakistan’s most eminent historians, Professor Iqbal Chawla, follows his magisterial study of Wavell’s viceroyalty with this nuanced perspective on the impact of his controversial successor, Louis Mountbatten, who is often reviled for his actions in 1947 and the murderous Kashmir issue. In exhaustive research conducted in Pakistan and in England, Professor Chawla offers his own pathbreaking findings by focusing on the Viceroy’s actions in Sindh, Baluchistan, and the N.W.F.P. before assessing Mountbatten’s role in the Radcliffe Award and the violence unleashed in 1947 in the Punjab. How much should Mountbatten be blamed for the carnage? Iqbal Chawla thoroughly examines the arguments and the evidence and makes his own special contribution to the contentious and ongoing debate.

    —Prof. Dr. Roger D. Long—

    Professor of History, Eastern Michigan University, 701-M Pray-Harrold USA
    ISBN: 9789694026749
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS


    This book by Professor Qazi Fazl-i-Haque is about the history of Punjabi literature, in which he has highlighted the services rendered by Muslims for Punjabi literature. This book is important and valuable, in addition to other qualities, because it contains authentic biographies and unpublished poetry of such old poets that, about those, the present-day writers of the history of Punjabi literature are still silent.
    ISBN: 9789694026725
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS

  • JASOSOO KI KATHA: جاسوسوں کی کتھا

    اے ایس دولت را کے سیکرٹری تھے، 2000-1999

    جنرل اسد درّانی آئی ایس آئی کے ڈائریکٹر جنرل تھے، 91-1990

    ادتیہ سہنا دہلی کے مضافات میں مقیم ایک صحافی اور مصنف ہیں

    ہم نے سچائی کے اتنے قریب رہنے کی کوشش کی ہے جتنا کہ ہم اسے مانتے ہیں چاہے اس میں سے کچھ کو افسانہ ہی کیوں نہ سمجھا جائے۔ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ عام طور پر زیادہ تر کہانیوں کے دو سے زیادہ رخ ہوتے ہیں۔ سچائی ایک رنگین عدسہ ہوتی ہے جس میں ہر کوئی مختلف رنگ دیکھتا ہے۔

    (اے ایس دولت)

    ہم میں سے کچھ کے ذہنوں میں دانائی کا قلزم موجزن ہے، اور وہ اسے دوسروں تک پہنچانے کے لیے انتہائی بے چین ہیں۔ اس کا ایک مفید طریقہ مخالف دھڑوں کے اہم کھلاڑیوں کے درمیان تبادلہ خیال ہے، بشرطیکہ ہم اپنی غلطیاں تسلیم کرنے اور ایک مختلف بیانیہ، حتیٰ کہ متبادل حقائق، سامنے رکھنے کے لیے تیار ہوں۔

    (اسد درّانی)

    جیسا کہ دو جاسوسوں کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ اس کاوش کے نتیجے میں رونما ہونے والے کھلے خطرات کے علاوہ اس کے مضمرات سے بھی آگاہ ہیں۔ وہ جانتے ہیں کہ میز پر بیٹھ کرپرسکون ماحول میں وہ جو باتیں کرتے ہیں، اس کی اہمیت ہوتی ہے۔ ان کی گفتگو پاک بھارت تعلقات کی اصل حقیقت کا احاطہ کرتی ہے۔

    (ادتیہ سہنا)

    افق کی سمت اشارہ کرتے ہوئے جہاں آسمان اور سمندر باہم مل رہے ہیں، وہ کہتا ہے، “یہ محض ایک بصری دھوکا ہے کیوں کہ درحقیقت وہ نہیں ملتے ہیں۔ لیکن کیا یہ منظر خوب صورت نہیں؟ وہ ملاپ جو دراصل نہیں ہوتا۔”

    (سعادت حسن منٹو)

    2016 میں کسی وقت مکالموں کا ایک سلسلہ چلا تھا جس نے اے ایس دولت اور اسد درّانی کے درمیان ملاقات کی بنیادرکھ کردی، چاہے اسے ایک واہمہ ہی کیوں نہ کہہ لیں۔ ایک را کے سابق چیف تھے، جو انڈیا کی انٹیلی جنس ایجنسی ہے، دوسرے اس کی مخالف پاکستانی ایجنسی، آئی ایس آئی کے چیف۔ چوں کہ دونوں کی اپنے آبائی ممالک میں ملاقات نہیں ہوسکتی تھی جب کہ صحافی ادتیہ سہنا ان ملاقاتوں کی میزبانی کررہے ہوں، اس لیے یہ ملاقاتیں دیگر شہروں، جیسا کہ استنبول، بنکاک اور کھٹمنڈو میں ہوئیں۔ میز پر رکھے گئے موضوعات وہ تھے جو طویل عرصے سے جنوبی ایشیا کو آسیب کی طرح گھیرے ہوئے ہیں، سلگتے ہوئے مسائل جن کی وجہ سے لگاتار جانیں ضائع ہوتی ہیں۔ یہ ہر لحاظ سے بر صغیر کے سیاسی قلزم میں گہری چھلانگ تھی، جیسا کہ دونوں جاسوں کی ماہرانہ نظریں اسے دیکھتی ہیں۔

    موضوعات میں کشمیر، ہاتھ سے نکل جانے والے مواقع، حافظ سعید اور ممبئی حملے، کلبھوشن یادیو، سرجیکل اسٹرئیکس، اسامہ بن لادن کے لیے ڈیل، امریکہ اور روس پاک بھارت تعلقات میں کہاں کھڑے ہیں، اور کس طرح دھشت گردی دونوں ممالک کے درمیان گفتگو کی کوششوں کو ناکام بنا دیتی ہے۔

    جب سب سے پہلے اس منصوبے کو زیر بحث لایا گیا تو جنرل درّانی نے ہنستے ہوئے کہا کہ اگر اسے فکشن کی طرز پر لکھا جائے تو بھی کوئی اس پر یقین نہیں کرے گا۔ کشیدہ تعلقات کے دور میں مخالف سمتوں کے سابق جاسوس چیفس کے درمیان یہ ناممکن دکھائی دینے والا مکالمہ، جو اپنی نوعیت کا منفرد منصوبہ ہے، ممکنہ طور پر کچھ جوابات فراہم کرسکتا ہے۔

    ISBN: 9789694026718
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Subtitle: آئی ایس آئی، را اور امن کا واہمہ
    Author: ASAD DURRANI


    ISBN: 9789694026756
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Author: MUNEEB QADIR


    “Zafar represents the dawn of a new era. Perhaps we are coming out of medieval times of silent policymaking by the well-connected to putting out ideas and developing conversations on important issues. I commend Zafar for contributing to a conversation on national policymaking.”

    Dr Nadeem-ul-Haque,
    Vice Chancellor
    Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

    “These articles not only analyze Pakistan’s economic challenges but also offer valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders alike, making them essential reading for anyone interested in the country’s economic future.”

    Dr Moeed Yusuf
    Vice Chancellor
    Beaconhouse National University

    “Out of the Box” is more than a compilation of economic opinions; it is a mosaic of experiences, ideas, and resilience. Zafar Masud’s miraculous survival serves as a metaphorical lens through which readers, without negating the challenges facing Pakistan’s economy, are encouraged to adopt an OOTB approach to rescue the economy and strengthen Pakistan’s societal fabric.”

    Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri
    Executive Director, Senior Research Fellow
    Sustainable Development Policy Institute
    ISBN: 9789694026732
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Author: ZAFAR MASUD


    This book provides not only a detailed account of the mysterious personality of Bayazid Ansari, the Roshniya Movement but also explores the sixteenth century political, religious and cultural landscapes of the Pakhtuns’ borderland. It paints a picture mostly based on primary and authentic secondary sources and its scientific analysis of the tribal and spiritual resistance offered by the tribes to Mughal imperialism. It tries to present the contextual situation of the age obtaining around the event that has been buried in the sands of history. This work challenges the established concepts with regard to Bayazid and his movement terming it as incidental collaborators of the Mughals. Given its non-conformist approach the book will generate a debate among scholars on this very important episode of the Pakhtuns’ history.

    Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah
    Historian, former Dean FSS, QAU, Islamabad.

    The book under review paints a beautiful picture of the tribal and spiritual resistance offered by Pakhtun society against the tyranny of Mughal imperialism. It not only covers the mysterious aspects of Bayazid Ansari’s maverick personality, but also seeks to explain and interpret the intellectual basis of the Roshniya movement. Dr. Himayatullah certainly deserves appreciation, as he has successfully attempted to present the contextual situation of the age obtaining around events, the details of which still remain buried in the sands of history. He has also explored the roles of famous characters, with their thoughts and actions and has explained their strengths and weaknesses. His effort seems to be in accord with the requirements and standards of scientific inquiry. His scholarly effort also seems to be in line with the new parlance of modern historiography.

    Prof. Dr. Ghulam Qasim Marwat
    Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar.

    This is an incredibly valuable work of history and scholarship. Dr. Yaqubi’s work is thoroughly rooted in a deep consideration of the sources. Unlike other approaches that may interpret Bayazid through present day political aspirations, this work finds a way to interpret the context of Bayazid’s moment through a careful analysis of the Roshani and other contemporary works. That’s fantastic.

    Dr. William Sherman
    University of North Carolina, USA.
    ISBN: 9789694026695
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS

    ایک صفحے کی بادشاہت

    یہ عمران خان کے  2018-2022کے دور حکومت میں پیش آنے والے واقعات کا مفصل، مرحلہ وار بیان ہے۔ وہ دور جب وعدے تو بہت بلند و بانگ کیے گئے لیکن ان پر عمل درآمد کہیں ہوتا دکھائی نہ دیا۔

    ”عمران خان کی کہانی“کا آغاز 2011 میں ہوا جب پاکستان کی اسٹبلشمنٹ نے دودہائیوں سے زیادہ عرصے سے باریاں لینے والی بھٹو اور شریف کی خاندانی حکومتوں کا کوئی سیاسی متبادل تیار کرنے کاارادہ کیا۔ 2014 میں فوج نے عمران کو ”پنتیس پنکچر“ لگانے کا بیانیہ اچھالنے پر اکسایا، جو2013 کے انتخابات کو مبینہ طور پر ”چرانے“ کا حوالہ ہے،ا ور وہ انتخابات نواز شریف کو اقتدار میں لائے تھے۔  مختلف لانگ مارچوں اور دھرنوں نے شریف حکومت کوعدم استحکام سے دوچار کیے رکھا تو اسٹبلشمنٹ نے چیف جسٹس ثاقب نثار اور آصف کھوسہ کی قیادت میں سپریم کورٹ سے نواز شریف کو اقتدار سے نکال باہر کروایا۔ اس کا نقطہ عروج 2018   کے انتخابات تھے جن میں عمران خان کو اقتدار میں پہنچانے کے لیے کھل کر دھاندلی کی گئی۔

     یہ کتاب عمران کے عروج و زوال کا احاطہ کرتی ہے جس کا آغاز 2021 ء میں وزیراعظم عمران خان اور آرمی چیف قمر جاوید باجوہ کے درمیان مضبوط شراکت داری کے ”ایک صفحے“ کے بیانیے، سے لے کر اس وقت تک جب یہی ڈاکٹرائن فوج اور اس کے سربراہ کے لیے انتہائی شرمندگی کا باعث بن جانے پر ترک کردیا گیا۔

     عمران کی نرگسی سیاست کے تانے بانے کے پیچھے دو جرنیلوں کی بے رحم خواہش کارفرما تھی، جن میں سے ایک مدت ملازمت میں توسیع (آرمی چیف جنرل باجوہ) جب کہ دوسرا  (ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی جنرل فیض حمید)آرمی چیف کے عہدے پر ترقی چاہتا تھا۔ ہوا یوں کہ یہ ٹولہ اپنے مقاصد حاصل کرنے کے لیے نظام کے ساتھ مزید کھلواڑ نہ کر سکا۔

     یہ کتاب 2021 کے موسم گرما میں جنرل فیض حمید کے آئی ایس آئی سے پشاور کور میں تبادلے کے بعد سے خان کی حکومت سے ہر ماہ ہونے والی غلطیوں کا احاطہ کرتی ہے، جن کی وجہ سے مشترکہ اپوزیشن اپریل 2022 میں کامیاب عدم اعتماد کی تحریک پیش کرنے کے قابل ہوئی اور جس کی وجہ سے بالآخر عمران خان کو گھر جانا پڑا۔

     یہ کتاب سیاسیات اور تاریخ کے طالب علموں کے لیے ایک ناگزیر مطالعہ ہے جو یہ سمجھنا چاہتے ہیں کہ طاقتور لوگوں کے بہترین ادارہ جاتی منصوبے بھی ذاتی خواہشات کی قربان گاہ پر کس طرح بھینٹ چڑھ جاتے ہیں۔

    document.querySelectorAll('.woocommerce-product-details__short-description').forEach(function(element) { const text = element.textContent.trim(); const isUrdu = /[\u0600-\u06FF]/.test(text); // Check if the text contains Urdu characters

    if (isUrdu) { element.classList.add('urdu'); } });

    ISBN: 9789694026688
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Subtitle: عمران خان کے دور کا پاکستان
    Author: NAJAM SETHI

     2,995 3,995
  • Set of 5 Books: Reportage, Comment & Analysis from 1988 to 2022 by Najam Sethi

    ISBN: Set-of-5-Titles-by-Najam-Sethi
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Author: NAJAM SETHI

     13,480 17,975

    This book covers the tumultuous second term of Nawaz Sharif that was cut short by the October Coup in 1999 which installed General Pervez Musharraf in power.

    It tells the inside story of how Sharif stripped President Farooq Leghari of his powers under Article 58-2B of the constitution, how he conspired with a clutch of Supreme Court judges to oust the Chief Justice, Sajjad Ali Shah, how he launched his “victimization” drive to put political oppositionists into prison, and then made a bid to become Amir ul Momineen standing above parliament.

    The momentous decision for “tit-for-tat” atomic tests was taken despite American pressure to desist, followed by a freezing of all foreign currency accounts and a round of sanctions by the international community.

    Undeterred, Sharif launched his “bus diplomacy” initiative to build fences with the Indian Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vagpayee, even as the military establishment was opposed to it and secretly planning the Kargil adventure. The end-game came in the autumn of 1999 after Sharif’s dash to Washington to persuade President Bill Clinton to negotiate an extraction of Pakistan’s military forces from Kargil, following which “humiliation” he determined to sack General Musharraf for the debacle. The “hijacking” of General Musharraf’s plane from the air culminated in a counter coup that brought the military back into the saddle for another decade.

    This is a breathless account of, and unique commentary on, those three fateful years that set the fitful ten year democratic revival in the 1990s back for a full decade.

    ISBN: 9789694026671

    AUTHOR: Najam Sethi
    ISBN: 9789694026671
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Author: NAJAM SETHI


    This is a blow by blow account of the Imran Khan regime 2018-2022 that promised so much and delivered so little.

    The “IK story” began in 2011 when Pakistan’s military establishment determined to secure a political alternative to the dynastic Bhutto-Sharif regimes that had alternated for over two decades. In 2014, the military prodded Imran to launch his narrative of “35 punctures”, a reference to the alleged “theft” of the 2013 elections that brought Nawaz Sharif to office. Winding its way through various long marches and dharnas to destabilise the Sharif regime, it roped in the Supreme Court under two Chief Justices of Pakistan, Saqib Nisar and Asif Khosa, to knock out Nawaz and culminated in the 2018 elections that were blatantly rigged to “select” Imran into office.

    This book charts Imran’s rise and fall, starting from the “Same Page” narrative of a firm partnership between Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Army Chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa, that propped up his regime, to the time in 2021 when the same doctrine was abandoned after it became an acute embarrassment for the military and its chief.

    Interwoven into the fabric of Imran’s demagogic politics was the ruthless ambition of two generals, one of whom sought an extension in tenure (COAS General Bajwa) and the other an elevation to the post of army chief (DG-ISI General Faiz Hameed). In the event, this unholy team couldn’t manipulate the system to achieve its ends.

    This book charts the monthly miscalculations of Khan’s regime in the summer of 2021 after the transfer of General Faiz Hameed from the ISI to the Peshawar Corps, enabling the combined opposition to cobble the wherewithal of a successful No-Confidence Motion in April 2022 that finally felled Imran Khan.

    This book is an indispensable read for students of political science and history who wish to understand how even the best laid institutional plans of powerful people fall by the wayside at that altar of personal ambition.

    ISBN: 9789694026657

    ISBN: 9789694026657
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Subtitle: Reportage, Comment & Analysis
    Author: NAJAM SETHI


    This book provides a comprehensive perspective on violence, distinguishing it from prior literature that often leans towards assigning blame to one of the involved parties.

    — Muhammad Iqbal Chawla —

    University of the Punjab, Lahore

    With a deft utilization of archival sources and a seamless integration of secondary materials, the author crafts a narrative that stands distinct from any previously explored. A particularly intriguing facet of this research lies in the foregrounding of indigenous voices, shedding light on how the people of Lahore navigated the turbulent aftermath of partition.

    — Tahir Kamran —

    Beaconhouse National University, Lahore

    With a comprehensive exploration of the city’s journey through Partition, the tumultuous communal conflicts, and subsequent regeneration, this work stands as a significant scholarly contribution. The author’s in-depth analysis illuminates the complex dynamics of violence during Partition, migration, and socio-political change, painting a vivid portrait of Lahore’s resilience in the face of adversity.

    — Hussain Ahmad Khan —

    Institute of Global and Historical Studies, Government College University, Lahore

    There are two main strengths of the research study; first, the use of local sources, like FIRs, revenue records and vernacular literature and, second, a common man’s perspective.

    — Faraz Anjum —

    University of the Punjab, Lahore

    The author’s forays into the processes of “cross migration” and “patterns of migrant settlement” lend further depth to the study. On top of this, the non-partisan approach of the author will make it worth reading for general readers and scholars across South Asia.

    — Irfan Waheed Usmani —

    History Department, GCU Lahore

    ISBN: 9789694026664


    ISBN: 9789694026664
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Author: ADNAN TARIQ






    “Fall Out” delves into the tumultuous journey of Imran Khan’s transition from a tenacious opposition leader to the prime minister from 2014 to 2018, and his complicated relationship with the Pakistani military since then. It charts the fall of Nawaz Sharif, influenced by the Panama Papers scandal, and the role of former army chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, in the Hybrid Project/Rule, revealing the changes he went through while in power. The book underscores the persistent unpredictability in leadership decisions, both military and civilian, that leads to a constant state of crisis in Pakistan, underlining the crucial need for institutional stability. A familiar yet ever-changing tableau of power, “Fall Out” is an incisive exploration of Pakistani politics.

    “Salman has been one of the keenest observers of Pakistan and South Asia for more than two decades. This book distills the tumultuous events of the past decade into one sharp focus.”


    Pulitzer Winner, The New Yorker, author of The Forever War


    “Salman treats his work like any fine craftsman treats his job: with care and precision. His journalism is like literature: well-written and entertaining.”

    Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Newsroom at Qatar Foundation and
    former foreign editor at The National in Abu Dhabi, UAE


    “Salman, as a seasoned reporter and editor, documents a critical phase of Pakistan’s turbulent politics. Sharply written with clarity, this book is a useful guide for scholars, students and general public alike.”

    Director Park Center for Independent Media,
    Ithaca College, New York

    ISBN: 9789694026626

    ISBN: 9789694026626
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS


    Both Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif didn’t acquit themselves well in the “trial of democracy” from 1988 to 1993. They did worse confronting the “dilemma of democracy” from 1993-1999 – how an elected government can complete its five year term and also provide a level playing field to the “government-in-waiting” to turn the tables at the end of the period. In consequence, Pakistan was driven straight into the jaws of martial law in 1999.

    This volume traces the rise and fall of the second Bhutto regime from 1993-96. It records how, through the good offices of the Establishment, she began on a conciliatory note with Nawaz Sharif by offering to nominate a consensus candidate (Wasim Sajjad) as President in exchange for jointly undoing the notorious Clause 58-2(B) of the 8th Constitutional Amendment which hung like the sword of Damocles over every prime minister. It tracks the negotiations to breaking point, compelling her to nominate her “own man”, Farooq Leghari, to the Presidency. It records Nawaz Shun cunning ways to drive a wedge between Leghari and Bhutto, which eventually led the former to use the 8th Amendment to sack the latter.

    The major policy issues that preoccupied Benazir Bhutto in her second term were nuclear proliferation, MQM terrorism in Karachi and conflict in Kashmir. The book explains how the US applied economic and military sanctions to pressure Pakistan to cap, freeze and roll back its nuclear programme but failed to achieve its objective. It details how she successfully tackled and put down MQM terrorism through effective use of civil-military power. And it records how she teamed up with the military to promote jihad in India-Occupied Kashmir.

    The book is about foul play by both Bhutto and Sharif; foreign policy blues; warlordism in Afghanistan; mythology of Mohajirism; nuclear policy; Mehrangate; General Mirza Aslam Beg’s “grand plan”; threat of an India-Pak nuclear war; journalists for sale; pains of privatization; Indo-Pak relations; doctrine of necessity; corruption and Surreygate. The analysis covers the mind of Benazir Bhutto, her Achilles heel and fatal flaws.

    It is indispensable reading for the student of history who wishes to understand how and why democracy failed to take root in the 1990s.
    ISBN: 9789694026534
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Subtitle: Reportage, Comment & Analysis
    Author: NAJAM SETHI


    This is the second volume of a series of books by veteran journalist Najam Sethi on Pakistan’s sputtering journey under democracy from 1988 to 2021 after it emerged from a stifling decade of autocracy under Z A Bhutto from 1972-1977 and ruthless dictatorship under General Zia ul Haq from 1977 to 1988.

    In this collection of nearly 200 articles, reports, commentaries and analyses, Sethi discusses a wide range of issues relating to state, society and government under the Nawaz Sharif regime from 1990 to 1993. Among the many subjects covered are: mockery of justice and judiciary under pressure; the “law of necessity”; state terrorism; humour in uniform; thinking beyond Saddam; privatise or perish; cold war blues; Nawaz Sharif’s options; freedom, fairness, state and party; disintegration of the social contract; the rise of Nawaz Sharif; India’s dangerous legacies; waylaying the press; the price of press freedom and accountability; the “great game” revisited; how the other half dies; US-Pak agenda for nuclear talks; art of stealing elections; dialoguing with India; unravelling Afghanistan; grasping cynics and power plays in Islamabad; Benazir Bhutto’s social contract; “cleaning-up the fanatics”; killing fields of fundamentalism; how and why to get rid of the 8th Amendment; third force vs third solution; the tragedy of General Asif Nawaz; Establishment vs Civil Society; Discretion vs Justice; Nawaz Sharif’s Lafafah legacies; and grand delusions of Mairaj Mohammad Khan and Rao Rashid.

    The writing is full of sardonic humour, wit and penetrating analysis.

    ISBN: 9789694026374
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Author: NAJAM SETHI


    This is the first volume of a series of books by veteran journalist Najam Sethi on Pakistan’s sputtering journey under democracy from 1988 to 2021 after it emerged from a stifling decade of autocracy under Z A Bhutto from 1972-1977 and ruthless dictatorship under General Zia ul Haq from 1977 to 1988.

    It contains an insightful collection of over 100 weekly reports, comments and analyses by Najam Sethi on the state of democracy under Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto from 1988-90.

    These articles highlight the politics of conspiracy, corruption, mismanagement, disinformation, victimization, invisible government, rigged elections, politicization of financial institutions, traitors, ‘ slandering matches, All Parties Conferences, Afghanistan imbroglio, jihad in Kashmir, shariat shock, budget blues, Indo-Pak impasse, mullahs on warpath, police lawlessness, judiciary under pressure, mockery of justice, Uncle Sam, etc.

    The shenanigans of COAS General Aslam Beg and Opposition Leader Nawaz Sharif are as interesting as the games of hide and seek played by Salmaan Taseer or Mustafa Khan; there are fascinating insights into the personality and politics of Baloch leaders Ghaus Bux Bizenjo and Ataullah Mengal, and British journalist Christina Lamb’s angst in the Land of the Pure is both revealing and intriguing.

    ISBN: 9789694026367
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
    Subtitle: Reportage, Comment & Analysis
    Author: NAJAM SETHI


    ISBN: 9789694026282
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS


    ‘A well – written and authoritative account from someone who knows Pakistani politics from the inside’.

    Peter Bergen, CNN Terrorism Analyst and author of the bestselling Holy War Inc; Inside the Secret World of Osama Bin Laden

    ‘We are in Husain Haqqani’s debt for providing an authoritative account of the linkages between Pakistan’s powerful Islamists and its professional army. He conclusively demonstrates that these ties are long-standing, complex and very troubling. This brilliantly researched and written book should be required reading for anyone who wishes to understand this increasingly important state’.

    Stephen p. Cohen, Brookings Institution,

    Author of The Idea of Pakistan and the Pakistan Army
    Husain Haqqani’s Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military analyzes the origins of the relationships between Islamism groups and Pakistan’s military, and explores Pakistan’s quest for identity and security. Tracing how Pakistan’s military has sought U.S. support by making itself useful for concerns of the moment – while continuing to strengthen the mosque – military alliance within the country – Haqqani offers an alternative view of political developments in Pakistan since the country’s independence in 1947.
    ISBN: 9789694025131
    Publisher: VANGUARD BOOKS
