The purpose of this encyclopedia is to introduce entrants into the world of nanotechnology by focusing on certain key application areas. A substantial amount of literature exists regarding the applications of nanotechnology.
The material presented here is a compilation of literature available in the public domain. It has been compiled keeping the average reader in mind. Specific company and university research activities should be interpreted as examples and are only a subset of the vast scope of nanoscience and nanotechnology research currently underway. As such a basic knowledge of science is assumed. However, no prior exposure to nanotechnology concepts is required.
Nanotechnology Revolution Volume: 1
This volume is divided into two sections. First section delineates a number of alternative scenarios to develop our understanding of nanotechnology. These scenarios cannot represent what will happen, because no one knows. They can, however, show how post- breakthrough capabilities could mesh with human life and Earth’s environment. The results will appear to be quaintly conservative from a future perspective, however most of it seems like science fiction today. In the second section some other important components of nanotechnology namely, Molecular Nanotechnology, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Superltattices, have been discussed.
Nanostructured Materials Volume: 2
This volume details recent advances in the synthesis and investigation of functional materials, focusing on the novel size- dependent physics and chemistry that results when atoms and electrons are confined within nanoscale semiconductors and metal clusters. Nanostructure science and technology is a broad and interdisciplinary area of research and development activity that has been growing explosively worldwide in the past few years. It has the potential for revolutionizing the ways in which materials and products are created and the range and nature of functionalities that can be accessed. It is already having a significant commercial impact, which surely will increase in the future and this has been discussed at length in this volume.
Nenocomposites Volume: 3
This volume provides a perfect insight into the latest technologies, emerging markets and commercial opportunities for nanocomposites. It examines the key drivers behind this interest and commercialisation of opportunities for nanocomposite technology in the various macro and micropolymer marketplaces.
Nanoelectronics Volume: 4
This volume on Nanoelectronics and Nanooptics is a topic that is attracting a lot of interest in scientific and nonscientific corners alike. Researchers are driven to explore the field because further miniaturizing today’s small electronic circuits will lead to faster, more sophisticated, and portable devices. As you will see in this volume, nanoelectronics also encompasses what is known as molecular electronics, which uses individual molecules in electronics. This volume enables readers to better understand drivers and demand patterns for nanoelectronics and nano-optical products, such as the trend in computing, communications, optical satellite telecommunications or sensor technology and IT.
Nanorobotics Volume: 5
This volume focuses on the state of the art in the field of nanorobotics by describing various molecular level systems and associated design and control issues. Following that some of the man-made and naturally occurring molecular machines are discussed. This volume also describes SPM principles, surveys SPM uses in Nanomanipufation and looks at the SPM as a robot.
Nanomedicines Volume: 6
This volume on nanomedicine touches upon some of the leading areas to which nanotechnology tools, materials, devices, and intelligent materials and machines are currently applied in medical research