1,496 1,995

This book gives a detailed account of the jurisdiction of the High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan under Article 199 and Article 184(3) respectively of the Constitution of Pakistan. It also contains Interpretations and meanings assigned by the superior courts to different expressions employed in these articles of the constitution.

The objective of the book is to enable concerned individuals to grasp the jurisdiction of the superior courts under these two articles and to know the intention of the framers of the constitution to have these two articles enshrined therein. The constitution provides a list of Fundamental Rights/Human Rights and a forum under Articles 184(3) and 199 for the enforcement and protection of these Fundamental Rights. An attempt has been made to expound these in this book. The author also discusses a majority of the important cases that attract Article 184(3) of the Constitution and analyses many significant cases decided under Article 199 by the four High Courts of Pakistan.

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Weight 0.7 kg



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Author Description

SYED SHABBAR RAZA RIZVI, LLB (Pb), LLM (London), is an expert on Constitutional Law. He has been practicing law before the superior courts of Pakistan since 1980 and has appeared in some of the most significant constitutional cases of our times. His first book Commentary on the Constitution of Pakistan was published in 1992. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, and a founding member of the SAARC Law Conference launched in Colombo in 1991. He has also worked as a research scholar in the library of the International Court of Justice at The Hague, during which period he attended court proceedings before the International Criminal Tribunal in 1997. Mr Rizvi has held the posts of Additional Advocate General Punjab and been Acting Advocate General Punjab on several occasions. He is a regular commentator in the daily press and in law journals on constitutional issues. Mr Rizvi has taught Constitutional Law at the Punjab University, Punjab Law College and Quaid-e-Azam Law College since 1985.

