This book aims to introduce students tO the process of assigning and especially synthesising class numbers by the 20th edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The chapters and the examples have been graded to some extent. No background what-soever has been assumed on the part of the students. It provides a complete course to train them in the techniques of number building involving the use of auxiliary tables and multiple syn-thesis. The graded process of number building will show the students the increasingly faceted nature of the system and its advancing steps towaras bibliographic depth and classification. To avoid verbosity, the number building has been depicted through equations and facet formulae.
The examples chosen are, as a matter of necessity, largely imagi-nary, though not far from the realities of (lie literary . warrant. The aim is to be amply illustrative and to step by step introduce the new concepts and methods.
Though the book is based on the 20th edition of the DDC, students using the DDC-1$ and DDC-19 should find no difficulty in using it.
ISBN: B6591