Despite the advantage of hindsight, India and Pakistan have stumbled through one crisis after another and have navigated their way through a process of trial and error. Learning is a cognitive process and thus difficult to quantify; however, its manifestations in the form of establishment of dedicated institutional structures, enactment of related legislations, and administrative measures are clearly discernible.
This book, a mirror image of a book about Pakistan entitled Learning to Live with the Bomb by Naeem Salik, has been jointly authored by Pakistani and Indian scholars and provides an objective and insightful analysis of India’s experience of managing its nuclear capability including its doctrinal precepts, command and control, safety and security, export control and regulatory regimes, and its development of the ballistic missile defence system.
This work highlights and explores the elements that went into the formulation of Pakistan?s nuclear policy. It covers the history of the evolution of Pakistan?s nuclear weapons management system, including its nuclear doctrine and the measures in place to secure and safeguard them.
?The book?s great significance lies in the fact that it tackles the little known subject of nuclear learning most comprehensively in all its dimensions. With great clarity and balance, the author clearly highlights the discernible aspects of Pakistan?s learning experience and establishes beyond doubt that Pakistan has learnt from crises events and has evolved into a responsible nuclear weapons state with effective command, control, and custodial arrangements in place.?