Amore troubled neighbourhood greeted India in the new millennium. Military rule in Pakistan, political turmoil in Nepal, the spread of violence in Bangladesh, more sanguinary clashes in Sri Lanka. Once more the question what India should do and what can India do to promote a stable and tranquil neighbourhood came to the fore. Once more, and with renewed vehemence, India’s neighbourhood policy came under attack for doing little to improve bilateral relations, or promote democratic peace, or prevent the encroachment of foreign interests.
It is true, and everyone agrees, that India has not had good neighbourly relations. Our larger neighbours have all wanted to show their distinct identity to demonstrate how different they were from India. Often enough, India wished to show its power and dominance. Bhutan, and more recently Sri Lanka, may be the only exceptions to this generalization. But it is also true, though not all may agree that there has been a perceptible change in the last few years. In the neighbourhood, among the leaders, the media and the commentators, there is less hostile rhetoric. India was always seen as the problem; now it is often seen as the solution. People come to India to see and to learn, to discuss and often to be guided. They see the signs of growth and prosperity everywhere; they realize that they can harness themselves to this giant economy and prosper. There is still some reluctance, of course, but given time they are likely to get aboard.
ISBN: 8122007317
Author: I.P. KHOSLA