Over the years I have discussed Gandhi with many Americans, both formally and informally… What continues to irk me is the amount of Gandhi ‘propaganda material’ that has flooded our libraries and bookstores. For an unsuspecting Westerner, the reading of Gandhi as he is portrayed on these shelves can bring about the intended result. That is understandable. This book is an attempt to close the gap between the popularized Gandhi and the historical Gandhi. It will incite readers to be more open-minded and to seek to validate the ‘truths’ presented. My hope is that it will provoke honest, healthy, and open dialogue and foster more critical scrutiny about him…
Years of dedicated research on Gandhi convinced me that our hero was fundamentally a racist. In this book, I present the facts. The evidence presented here is not a matter of speculation or distorted interpretation. Much of the irrefutable evidence lay buried beneath a mountain of Gandhi’s own writings – in his own words, which I have uncovered – comments that will be difficult to dispute once they are read. In this book you will read the evidence in its entirety. My primary intention is to untangle the web that Gandhi wove – and his followers are still weaving – for many years. Only through a methodical probing can we expose Gandhi’s campaign of deception: the lies, the propaganda, the misinformation, the half-truths, and the efforts to hide behind religion. Where Gandhi left off, his followers have picked up, and they continue their own sophisticated campaigns, both in India and abroad. This book should not be looked upon as another Gandhi biography. Rather, it should provide a standard by which to weigh Gandhian literature for accuracy and objectivity. Also, this book, though narrowly focused, should stand as a guide alerting us to how thoroughly the Gandhi propagandists and others have succeeded in deceiving us.
ISBN: 9694024927
Author: G. B. SINGH