Manto observed about himself: The fact is that I don’t write stories; the stories write me.’ In another place he says `I am forced to think of myself as a pickpocket who picks his own pocket and then hands over its content to you.’ We thank Rizvi Sahib for aiding and abetting in Manto’s self-confessed crime. I have no doubt that the reader will enjoy the set of translated stories by Manto in this book…

    Ejaz Rahim

    Mr. Rizvi has all the requisite qualities of a good translator. He has full command over Urdu as well as English language and therefore the reader can barely differentiate between the original work and its translated version. Instead of literal translation, he always finds the correct idiomatic rendition of a word which precisely conveys the sense intended by the author of the original work. Mr. Rizvi’s first translation of Mr. Atta ul Haq Qasimi’s columns has been well received by the public and we hope that those of Manto’s short stories which had not so far been translated by any other person and have now been taken up by Mr. Rizvi shall fill up the void and introduce his genius in its entirety to the English speaking world and those not familiar with Urdu language…

    Zafar Aziz
